
Tuesday, 13 December 2016

The bed has been invaded!

I was up early to take Moomin to the bus and came home under a pink mackerel sky, thinking of taking my breakfast back to bed. Behold! It has been invaded by fur babies with the same intent :D
I managed to wriggle under (somehow) and only got a couple of filthy looks! I'm sat here now with a bowl of museli, a pile of paperwork and a degree of reluctance to go to school. With the onset of the damp weather, the Fibro has been kicking my butt lately! I've had every cough, cold and tummy upset on the school menu and now my muscles have decided to join the party by cramping whenever they like!
However today is the school Christmas dinner and also Mufti day (what does that mean???) so I can wear comfy clothes and my garish Christmas t.shirt and treat the little ones with my angelic version of Christmas carols. What fun for them ;)

Edited to add: I'm still not dressed, but thoroughly enjoying my blog hopping. It helps me to feel a little more like my old self when I glimpse the world through other peoples lives. Thank you fellow bloggers.x


  1. oh, you do have a lot of fur babies. I wish i could have one, but their hair seems to bother me at this point in time. I hope you feel better soon and that you find a new home that brings you joy and inspiration.

  2. Thank you Tammie, I love my furbabies too :D

  3. That looks like heaven to me! My six cats are never on the bed at the same time, but I often have two or three and sometimes more. Only my old man kitty is so stand offish that he won't share space.

    I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling tops.... as I get older it happens more. All we can do is go forward and do what we can to ease it. Here is to better weather and happier bones!

  4. Thank you Kim, I love having the cats on the bed, they're such a comfort.x
