
Sunday 4 February 2018

Slowing down.

There's been a big drive towards slowing down your life for a long time. It's funny because the message to slow down is gathering momentum, I enjoy that kind of contradiction :D

It's a hard thing to do, especially when we're so used to living at a certain pace and I noticed that since I was a child the speed at which we live now has increased at an alarming rate. Movies from my childhood seem so very slow without the non-stop, high speed chases, fight scenes, battles, you name it. Films like Ladies in Lavender and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel have snubbed the trend for fast paced movies and have gone back to a gentler more classic story and I love them dearly for that. Is it my age??? I hope not, but then maybe with age comes an understanding and a realisation that we don't have to be first in the queue, first to win the race or first or fast at anything at all! It's taken me nearly half my life to realise this, and I say half my life because I intend to make it to 100 ;)

I sweep the whole house daily. I enjoy the quiet rythm of the broom and this little pile is just today's mixture of pet hair and dirt. I like sweeping, it's a slow, peaceful time to think about the day to come, plan meals, plan the tasks that will fill the day, to slow it all down and live in the moment. I do hoover, once a week as we have rugs in the bedrooms, but I dislike the noise and how it upsets the animals and my thoughts. In the summer, I'll only sweep and the rugs will have a good shake and a beating out of the windows.
 I made soup for myself. I wanted a red Thai soup recipe, but all I could find on the internet was 'open a jar of red thai paste'!!! Eventually I found a recipe for red thai past! The soup was actually pretty good and I felt my body thanking me for the lovely vegetables and vitamins. A little piece of salmon would have been perfect, but it's a bit expensive just for soup!
 I finished the seond pair of socks and these only took four days to make! They're a present for T's birthday and I hope he enjoys them :D I went to a knitting group a few weeks back and someone mentioned that making socks is silly when you can get them cheaply in some shops! That's not the point I told her, I make them in honour of my feet. Think about it, we spend a large part of the day on our feet, they carry our weight, forced into tight shoes and then made to walk miles! I think they deserve a little pampering and handmade socks are like little fluffy clouds in your shoes <3
 Of course, Dexter had to get into the picture! He's everywhere at once, that boy <3


  1. Nothing like hand knitted socks...I really should get some on my needles x

  2. Definitely a soup day here. I made a carrot and lentil one for lunch today and threw in some mixed beans I had lurking in the fridge from another meal. Very wholesome and hearty!

  3. I loved your idea to think about your day while sweeping. It's very good advice. Sometimes, I feel my day does need to slow down a bit. Your socks turned out lovely! I'm a sock knitter so I understand completely the joy in knitting socks. Very therapeutic for sure. Wishing you a great week, Pat

  4. I had to chuckle when I read the comment about socks.... my husband asked why I would knit socks when a pair was only a couple of dollars at the market, and I replied I would show him why. I knitted him thick socks and he deployed to sea, and his Marines had an exercise with the French Marines at Camp du Canjiers (sp?) in the Alps. His were the ONLY warm feet, and he asked for more pairs! My fingers fairly flew and I knitted several more pair to send him. Smug smile.

  5. I intend to out-live you then Yarrow, my goal is 112 lol! :) I think that it does come with age for some people, the desire to slow down. But then, Alex is 30 years old and he can't stand the "city" way of life and all of the fast technology either. It's hard for us to watch modern "action" movies...the way they edit things so's for the computer-smart-phone-addicted generation I think. That's why we tend to watch movies 1980's and earlier.

    I like that you knit the socks in honour of your feet. But the woman who said that to you, that they are cheaper to buy...that goes right back to the idea that life is too quick, easier to buy than make, faster to pop a pill then to eat right and gosh I could go on and on! :)

    Your socks look just lovely! :)
