
Saturday, 23 December 2017

Holy ow.

The 'C' on my laptop is failing. If I want it to work, I have to bash the keyboard real hard or just type with fingers crossed. Sometimes it works and others not at all. If I want a capital, I an only use shift on the left side and never on the right. I'm sharing this be cause sometimes I just can't be bothered to go bak and orrect everything! I don't want a new laptop, I don't want to go through the whole thing of copying my hardrive and moving it to another, so for now I'm making do, but I can see a time in the future when I have no hoice. For now, I'm just explaining why my posts are strange as I use words that don't have CC's in them! oh for heks sake!!!!!


  1. Just get a new keyboard. I don't use the keyboard on my laptop, but a separate one. Solves the missing letter problem and is much cheaper than a new laptop! Merry Christmas

  2. That's a brilliant idea, thank you Serenata :D

  3. Don't worry, the brain fills in the missing Ccs. Have a good festive holiday with your family and animals. x

  4. Funny but I understood every word without the c's. I guess it's a trick the brain performs for us. I would go talk to a computer store guy or gal if there is one near by and see if they couldn't help you out. If not, are you really good with a screw driver? You can replace it yourself by ordering a new keyboard from :

    They start at $11 US and they have techs online that will walk you through changing it to a new one. I did it for my husband's laptop. It's cheap and easy to do.
