
Monday, 9 September 2019

A hot weekend.

You have to be careful how you talk about hot over here. It's easy to get it wrong and a young farmer who brings us the summer hay often teases me about being hot! Saying it a certain way has less to do with the temperature and is more akin to 'being on heat'!!! Apparently I said it the wrong way last year and he hasn't let me forget it!!!

The bean arch has been great and the beans have enjoyed it despite a slow start. Next year I hope they cover it. I have some noodle beans for 2020 and I'm quite excited about those.

The wonky wigwam will be mainly for sweet peas, but also some yellow beans as they look pretty. It's more of a pollinator feature than a practical growing support!

The area in front of the studio was a disgrace as the potager had to take priority. 
 Using some of the stakes cut by my son, it looks so much better now and the weeding was assisted by the two rogue chickens who WILL NOT be contained!
 My little crystal bowl is for the toads and wildlife (cats) to drink from. It leaks terribly, so that needs to be remedied.
 My lovely man had a bit of spare cement left over so I made this on a whim. I love it :D
This was the potager when we first moved here. Two tiny raised beds that somehow morphed into the enormous squash bed!!!
Now look at it! What a difference!

Well, I'm having quite a lazy morning with just some housework and breadmaking ahead of me. I have an apple press that needs to be put together too, but for this afternoon, I just feel like a few hours of spinning or knitting, or both :D


  1. I wish I had half your energy to do my gardening. There is so much to do to the front yard gardens and I just can't.

  2. Spinning and knitting sounds nice and relaxing! I LOVE that wigwam! The squash are really growing! suis chaud! ;)

  3. Oh, I just remembered something, when I was younger instead of saying j'ai fini, I used to say je suis fini, meaning I'm finished, i.e. dead lol...

  4. Would love to be able to do a spot of spinning...did get the chance to do some pottery the other day though...kind of spinning! x
