
Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Making Ormus.

I can't guarantee that I'll be posting daily but my new routine has begun, so it's looking positive so far.

This morning I got up, threw on pj bottoms and a jumper, drank my glass of Ormus and ran outside to feed the ponies and chickens. Then it was back inside for more plain water and a 10/12 minute yoga stretching session. In time I hope to build up to a proper yoga session but I'm still adjusting to the new routine.
The old routine was that T would get up first, put the kettle on, feed the cats and let out the chickens while I tried to grab some extra sleep. I could sometimes manage a good half an hour waking just before my tea got cold. Then I would drag my heavy, aching body out of bed to begin the day.

So here's what's changed, and I hope it lasts. I was stuck in England a couple of weeks ago, completely helpless and unable to return home after my car was held up in the garage. I was only expecting to be there a few days only to be told the car could take weeks! After a day of feeling very sorry for myself I decided to put my time to good use. I'd taken my son back as he wanted to get on with his life and it's too quiet and isolated where we live in France, so I managed to spend a lot of time with him and visiting his sister the Moomin who went back before Christmas.

I also wanted to catch up with my dear friend and Reiki master as she had lost her dog in January and was taking it hard and so I wanted to give her a hug in person.  We had a wonderful day talking and drinking coffee and it put peace in my soul. Then she told me about her healing project making Ormus. I've looked at this in the past and was a bit sceptical. Ormus is also known as Manna and has all kinds of health properties and benefits, too many for me to go into now, but I urge you to look into it and draw your own conclusions. So I took my first dose and to be honest felt really quite weird, light headed and a bit spacy. After the first couple of days that wore off and nothing much happened but I carried on taking it during my stay and on my eventual return to France.

Yesterday was exactly two weeks since my first dose and I was up with the lark and raring to go. My body felt light for the first time in years, like I'd been wearing a lead suit and finally took it off!   It was honestly like waking from a very bad dream.  It was the first morning I began the new routine and I managed to keep up quite a pace all day and even stacked the 30 bags of horse feed that were waiting for me when I got back from England! After that I cleaned the house and took the dogs for a walk!

Now, I'm not sure how long this energy will last and last night, every muscle in my body ached, so the pain is still there, and I had my typical cold like symptoms that warn me to slow down but this morning, I was again up, bright and early.

I also managed to do the next part of my Herbalism course, which I'd been delaying because of one difficult question. So it seems that my brain is more alert as well.  Fingers crossed this lasts because it feels great :D


  1. Please keep us posted on the Ormus situation. I was diagnosed with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease/Lupus late last December and it's taking it's toll on my body. I want to try anything that would help me to focus my brain and body. I'm also glad you are back into blogging again.
