
Tuesday, 7 December 2021




 It's 4.30am here in Brittany and Sleep is eluding me. It has done for many months and I can only sleep if I take tablets, which of course is horrible and leaves me dead headed in the morning!

Perhaps I should give in and become a night owl! I'm in the studio which used to be our Gite, and it's warm and cosy and of course I have internet here. My wooden studio is lovely in the summer and I felt guilty moving all my things into this lovely new space but I really need somewhere to work.

I'm currently wrestling with a new version of a favourite painting I did many years ago. When I can, I'll upload a picture of the new one. All of my previous work was on my trusty laptop which died suddenly before I could save the hard drive. Apparently I can rescue the work but the laptop is currently in the UK! What a mess!

So I'm creating new work at the last minute for an exhibition on Thursday! It's a good thing I can't sleep maybe, lol.

I've tried leaving messages on some blogs but for some reason it's not all going to plan so if you get a random message, it's likely to be me.xx


  1. I like being a night owl. I believe the older we get the less sleep we need. I find that I seem to feel better staying up all night until 7-7:30am and then I'll go to sleep for about 3 or 4 hours and get up feeling fresh and my battery is recharged. I'll usually bake in the morning or at night while David is sleeping. Sometimes I'll do a bit of cleaning that doesn't require a noisy appliance. I'll do laundry or read and then when the early morning hours creep in I sit in my silent house with a really good cup of coffee and wait for the sunrise on my front porch.

  2. Hi Yarrow! ♥ I love the horse sketch, so beautiful. I'm sorry you are struggling with sleep. I usually get up around 5am, and that's my happiest...if I had to change my schedule I think I'd be reluctant, but I guess sometimes we just have to follow our body's clock!

  3. Hi Yarrow, I'm just popping by to with you Happy Holidays!!! 🎄

  4. Thank you friends for sticking around during my long absences <3
